#OOTD: Francois Duperval

I linked up with my homey Jean Claude Francois, co-founder and fashion designer in charge of Francois Duperval, to talk about his fashion line. I put together a quick photoshoot with photographers Paulo Salud (@paulosalud) and Anthony Willis (@antwillislive) and asked Jean Claude a few questions about his latest designs, interests and company goals.

1. If you could pick any historical figure to wear your clothes, who’d it be?

If I could pick any historical figure to wear Francois Duperval it would be Jackie Robinson because he brought something special to baseball and I feel like that we are bringing something different and unique to streetwear.

2. What’s the biggest inspiration for your clothing designs?

I get inspired by many different things. I really don’t have one thing that’s more inspirational than another. Music, art and culture all inspire my designs. It’s starts with an idea then the creative builds from there.

3. Which decade, do you think, had the best fashion and why?

For streetwear I think the best decade of fashion was from 2000 to 2010. That’s when boutique brands really became a staple in fashion. Creativity was at a all time high with graphic tees and it shaped fashion and started a new subculture for sneaker head and your Hypebeasters. I became really inspired by 2003 because I loved so many designs by multiple brands. It gave me the courage to give it my all because I wanted to compete with the best of those brands.

4. Where do you see the brand in a year?

Within the next Francois Duperval will be a respected name in fashion. I think we will reach bigger markets and more doors will be open which will allow us to be even more creative.

5. If you could feature only one of your products on any tv show, which product would it be and what show?

If I could feature one product on a TV show it would have to be our Aviation Bomber jacket. And I think if it was featured on Love & Hip-Hop New York it would be a lot of exposure for the brand because the show has a huge audience base.

6. Who would you hire to put together the ultimate concert?

I would hire myself to put together an ultimate concert if given the budget. I love music and I have my favorites from albums to artist and I think people would appreciate my palette of different artist and sounds.

7. Tell us about your pop-up event January 18.

On January 18th we are having an event titled; Live Above The Hype. The event is a pop-up shop and music showcase. We will be displaying out latest collection and also giving a few up and coming artist the opportunity to preform and showcase their talent. New Jersey has a lot of talented artist and Francois Duperval wants to help give them exposure by providing a platform for them.

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